Missing you, like every other day!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Char char, please make the rain go away! We have a planned trip to East Coast Park. Jase will be disappointed. Blow the rain clouds away pls! Do your magic! 

I think I dreamed of you last night! Can't rem anything but it's good to feel you so close to me again! Missing you more each day. I still wish all these is nothing but a horrible nightmare... 

What hurts most is losing your love physically... 

No more "I love you"s and no more hugs from you... 
No more smiles from you to cheer up my days... 

But, we will continue what you fought so hard to do - LIVE! 

And LIVE HAPPILY we will! 


Unknown said...

I am ... Hmm... Really don't know if I should be happy or sad. I hope you will live happily. Charmaine will probably love that.

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