Charlene and I were supposed to meet up in the evening for a play session with the kids at Cynthia's house. However, Charmaine had to be warded
Recently, there is another setback for Cynthia which I feel is not convenient to talk about over here. To look on the bright side, Charmaine was so bubbly and lively just now. Looking at all the positive energy emanating from her, one could not believe she is sick.
Will be back to update again with photos. =)
Charmaine assumed many roles that day.
She was a little doctor. She knew how to take her own temperature and read the values out.
Charmaine was a professional little photographer!
These shots were taken by her:

Little Charmaine wasn't just a photographer, she was a director that day. She was suggesting poses for us before she snapped each shot.

After a while, Cynthia's family arrived and both kor kor and mei mei were sooooo sweet to each other!

We spent quite some time "playing" with stickers.
They were really generous sharing their stickers with everyone. However, they were so notti and cheeky to always bully the ever nice Charlene jie jie by giving all the torn stickers to her. Haha...
After many rounds of sticker pasting, everyone ended up wth Dora clothes. Cyn mummy's plain blue T looks just like a T with Dora prints.

There we were trying to imitate each other's pose. It was more of me imitating her actually.

左拥右抱! Lucky Lucky boy!

1 jo + 2 char

Look who's smiling the brightest?
2 sweetie pies
Quoted from Angela's comment posted in "Back Home After 2nd Chemo"
March 30, 2009 1:24 AM
"Yes. Charmaine is very lively and energetic as ever. As usual, she will have all the energy to 'cut' me =P
Wasn't able to play with Char and Jase today as was busying fixing up some DIY 'shelves' for them to store their toys. Not sure what that should be called.
Jase and Char were very nice. Both wanted to help and eager to help. Just that we were worried that we may hurt them in the process of fixing up the 'shelves'. Nevertheless, they played a part by helping us to hold the plank of wood, pass us the screws etc. Oh ya, they are so sweet that thy will ask me and their mummy to be careful and not get hit by the plank of woods. How sweet of them =)
Also, suprisingly, Charmaine wanted to sit on my lap and we took a photo together!!! Im so happy. Usually she dont even let me take a photo of her, not to even mention to take a photo with me!!"
Charmaine get well soon barhs! :D
hey, i m phyllis, florence's frend. I dropped a msg on fb. I would like to do my part by donating an do i do so?
Hi Phyllis,
You dropped a msg to me or on the wall? Seeing your name reminds me. I sms-ed flor the other time when I saw your wall msg on FB about your number but I didn't get a reply. I'm not sure if the sms got through. It slipped off my mind till now. Sorry about it.
Could you please drop me an email at We'll correspond from there. =)
Thanks Jo for sharing all the photos, good to know all the latest news. You've done a great job and I'm sure Cyn is even stronger with your support. p.s. Angela, if you're paying another visit soon, rem drop me a note.
Hi Trix,
No prob at all. I didn't do much. Cyn has many great frenz around her to lend their support. =)
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