
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cyn Mommy's internet is down. 6--7 years of age laptop is down. But, herself and the kids, are doing exceptionally well!

They were @ Auntie Fanny's place, and all I can hear from Princess Charmaine is...

"Charlene jiejie, I am jumping around in Auntie Fanny house. Very fun!"

Then shortly came Jase jase...

"Everyone keep quiet please. I cant hear Charlene jiejie."

Who continued a one-liner:
"I am playing with meimei now. Very fun!"

And zoom off shouting,"I miss you!"

I miss you too kiddos...

Countdown to NY!

Thank you Chorina, and Chew Lian for the concern too =D Sorry that I had been very busy to catch up on things! The package that was supposed to be sent over, we reckon, will be faster if we would to bring it there when Godma and I are in NY.

Love, Charlene


Mama Joan said...

Great to hear from Cyn again and knowing that they are doing well is even better news! Take care cyn n kids, as the weather is turning cold. Remember to stay warm at all times and put on more warm clothings when outdoor.

钰顺 said...

Hi , do not give up and i will pray for Charmaine to always have good health. Jia you. =)

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