thanks to Godma Jolene in updating!
We are all settled in for the night and kids are showering now. Photos of the plane will be put up after we tucked them in bed (hopefully soon).
The trip had been a veryvery lovely one and we are all blessed with the people around us, especially the ground staff, crew, and friends from New York. It had helped the first few hours in here, a pleasant one.
Love, Charlene
-- edited to add--
finally the kids are aslp now after drinking their milk. They had a late night on Thursday Singapore time and woke up very early on Friday Singapore time. Finally our Cyn Mommy has fulfiled her wishes in bringing the kids overseas. Though it was not the holiday that she would like, the kids did take their first ride in the plane together.
5 boxes of items are on their way here, and we settled in with 3 large luggages and 1 small luggage. 2 Strollers, with 1 here, and the big twin one to be delivered by SIA for us. The ground crew in both Singapore and New York were so helpful that it did made me felt a little redundant. Thanks to you all, who rendered their help to us from the ticketing, to the ferrying to the gate, all the way till we landed and got our ride from a friend's friend.
Char and Mommy on Buggy Ride:

In Ronald MacDonald House, we had faced with a small problem (or quite a big one, if not the fact that we were offered accommodation by the NY friend). Charmaine was hospitalised last minute for fever and we had no chance to inform RMDH. Due to this, they had thought that we are not making our trip and we nearly had no rooms for it. Lucky for the great chaps, they made a few phone calls and assured of our room in no time.
We landed quite late, and so, our tour in RMDH will be postponed till tmr.
Payment for the hotel has been made for a month in advance as well.
I took a few photos (will update later) on this room. Basically, it is a standard hotel room with a twin bed and sofa sleeper.

Messy Food Items

The kids do enjoy here, as they were running and playing all round.

They still have no idea that New York is actually very far away as they been telling people that, NUH is so far compared to here. All thanks to the technology, they have skyped with their grandparents, and GodMa Jolene.
Wei Kang korkor was nice enough to call into the room and boy, were they surprised of the phone ringing.
On Phone

Hanging Up

While there are inconveniences around compared to back @ home, (where even hot water is highly inaccessible), I am sure, things will get better when the time goes.
Cyn Mommy: OK I give up (cant remember the subject matter)
FeistyChar: No Mommy. U cannot give up. U must fight!
Charmaine will have a good weekend of rest, before her schedule to the hospital start again on Monday.
The kids had been awesome on the plane too. Neighbours around us gave us a thumbs up and of course, the kids, after the flight. I cant believe it, given that we were practically all over the plane, climbing up and down and asking for food, every now and then. They really love the pretty jiejies and the big headphone while watching the cartoons. Thanks to the crew for ensuring that the kids were well taken care off, and cuddled with a bed full of pillows. The visit to the sacred area created much anticipation and excitement for the kids, and I wouldnt be surprise if Jase comes back and says he wants to be a pilot. They pronounce pilot as pirate but let's hope, it is due to the air in the plane! =X
Jase Sleeping:

Char Sleeping:

Their quieter moments:

And the rowdy times

Those that should help and can help, did not. But, it didnt stop our feisty princess and mommy. We really wouldnt be able to make this trip without all of your help, and the trip to here, was fantastic. It is definitely not easy for the next six months or so here for Cynthia, but I am sure the help we have, is all that we needed.
Good night to all, and we will update again.
For those who needed our address:
Ronald McDonald House of New York
405 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Unit # 502
Tel: 212.639.0100
Please let us know once you use our address and contact info, one way or another.
If you have time, do read up on
and help all the kids in ways that you can.
Captain Jase signing off:

Love, Charlene