Forgotten about the bitter medicine that she struggled with, she walked in cheerfully to MSKCC and everyone was commenting about how cute she was. A typical Asian in an American setting, when asked what was her name, how old she is, she was either not replying or whispering. Cyn Mommy taught her what she needs to do, and boy, did she impress us when she was asked again in the elevator!
"Mommy, see! I say very loud. Jase Jase also!"
The power of mother-child bond.
From the previous post, you would have seen the play room in MSKCC. After the injection, with Jase around, both of them were playing in the room for about 2hrs, before we head back home.
Taught with a lesson of responsibility, and they ace it, their reward was to be able to play with the mobile phones. Look @ the glee on their face. We are so glad we took up unlimited talktime with TMobile as they were talking to each other through the phone.
It was fasting night again for Charmaine and the last one because she will be taking out the needle from her "circle bone" on Day 5.
She is now in Day5, MSKCC, while Jase is watching the GI Joe cartoon series bought by Barby. Now he is hooked on it. =)
A weekend of MSKCC-less soon!
Whee~ and thanks to all!
Oh ya, any1 has any lobang over apartments in NY around E70s with 1 bedroom and a kitchenette?
Love, Charlene
Darling Charmaine, love your sweet smile, and bubbly character, LOVE YOU!
Dearest Jase, you have been a wonderfull gor gor. You are the Power Ranger who needs to protect mummy and mei mei, k!
Dearest Cynthia, you are the greatest mummy!
Go Go,Charmaine!
And Cynthia, great mum! =)
All the best Charmaine !! u will be in my Prayers always/...... bY the way, i'm 24 yrs old, and i got to noe abt u thru the keep fighting k charmaine.....
Dear Charmaine, you have been doing very well so far. Gambatte!!!
Do enjoy the weekend with your dearest mummy, kor kor & Charlene jiejie, ok! :)
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