The members there have pooled together $24,557.00 as of 23 June (2253) and has hit the 10K cap for the 1-for-1 dollar donation by a mystery member.
We have not touched any of the funds yet and Charmaine's medical bills so far was settled using Cynthia's savings.
Thanx all. Let's keep it going.
We'll update on Charmaine soon.
Charmaine will never fall because there are alot of people who will fight the battle with her, she's not alone.
Cynthia, please be strong, always remember, if you fell sick and who will take care of Charmaine? No matter what, hang on and i believe miracles is just round the corners.
hi joloene
was just wondering when u mention the current medical biss is paid using cyn savings.
did cyn buy insurance for char?
i can imagine the huge mdecial bills even if its in singapore
sorry, i mean medical bill not biss.
there is insurance purchased but it does not cover entirely the bills and besides medical, there are transport fee, food etc that are on Cyn savings too =)\
Regards, Char
Would there be a proper audit done, as the funds are pouring in?
There are also alot of other young and very young cancer patients out there who need funding.
As per what Charlene said. To add on, insurance coverage is for hospitalisation and not treatment IIRC. I've to check again.
Do rest assured that there is proper audit and data entry.
Yes, we are aware of the plight of other cancer children. In fact, I've been donating to the cancer society too.
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